In this post, I will build and deploy a spleen segmentation AI model provider by MONAI, in a AWS environment. The inference service can invoked over HTTP with paylod and the service will produce segmention file for visualization.

We will download spleen segmentation model and data from source in MONAI App Deploy SDK examples, build the model in an MONAI application package(MAP), and will deploy the MAP using MONAI Inference Service (MIS) for consumption over HTTP. The doumentation is available here.

The process can be used to deploy any model in torch script using MIS.

Setup Environment

For this demo, we will need a kubernetes environment with helm 3. I am using an Ubuntu 18.04 AWS environment with g4dn instance. I have used a bootstrap bash script provided by NVIDIA to install docker, docker compose, kuberenetes and helm. I have made modifications in the script to install newer version of helm (v3). The modified script is available here.

The demo also needs monai-app-deploy-sdk installed in the environment. I have used a conda environment with python 3.7 as base.

1. Download Segmentation Model and Test Data

Run following commands to download the model.ts, a torch script model for spleen segmentation, and dcm folder containing the dicom files for testing purpose.

pip install gdown
gdown ""
unzip -o ""

Create a my_app folder for the application folder structure.

mkdir -p my_app

Move python files from MONAI App Deploy SDK examples to my_app directory -,,, These files are model specific inference operator classes packaged into application class. Application directory required to have specific .py files for MONAI packager to work.

2. Package the Segmentation App

Go to the directory where my_app folder and model.ts is placed and run the following command. This will start building a package (MAP).

monai-deploy package -b my_app --tag my_app:latest -m model.ts

This will create a docker image of the application

3. Clone the MONAI Inference Service(MIS) Repositaory

MONAI application packages (MAP) can be deployed in MONAI inference Service (MIS), a RESTful inference service available for consumption over HTTP.

MAPs we build can be deployed on MIS and MIS takes care of underlying infrastructure to enable availablity of the MAPs.

Next, I will cover the steps to install MIS.

We will take next few steps to deploy a MAP using MIS. Helm Charts are utilized to deploy MIS for our MAP.

Clone the MIS repo:

git clone
cd monai-deploy-app-server/components/inference-service

4. Build and Containerize the MIS

Build the MIS container:


5. Get MIS Helm charts

wget ""
unzip -o 'uc?id=12uNO1tyqZh1oFkZH41Osliey7TRm-BBG'

6. Update Helm Charts with MONAI App Package(MAP) information

To start the MIS we need to update the helm chart values.yaml. This is to configure MIS with a MAP.

Getting the MAP - Application and Package Manifest Files

To update the helm chart with application related information we need to export the manifest files for the application. This can be done by executing a docker run on the MAP image, which will create two json files - app.json and pkg.json

These two manifest json files will provides parameters needed in updating helms chart values.yaml

Here my_app:latest is the docker image created by MAP.

mkdir ./export
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)/export/":"/var/run/monai/export/config/" my_app:latest

Update Helm charts with MAP manifests

Open the values.yaml and update as following

images.monaiInferenceService with MONAI Inference Service image name (monai/inference-service) images.monaiInferenceServiceTagwith MONAI Inference Service image tag (0.1) payloadService.hostVolumePathwith path to local directory which will serve as a shared volume between MIS and its PODs map.urn with map-image:tag map.entrypoint with data from command in app.json map.cpu with data from pkg.json map.memory with data from pkg.json map.gpu with data from pkg.json map.inputPath with appending the input.path with the working-directory in app.json map.outputPath with appending the output.path with the working-directory in app.json map.modelPath with Model value path within MAP container. Can be obtained from pkg.json file. Only take the path till folder which hold the models (“/opt/monai/models”)

7. Deploy MIS with MAP using the Helm Charts

helm install monai-inference-service ./charts/

To view the FastAPI generated UI for an instance of MIS, have the service running and then on any browser, navigate to http://HOST_IP:32000/docs

8. Test the service

With MIS running, I can make an inference request to the service using the /upload POST endpoint with the cluster IP and port from running kubectl get svc and a compressed .zip file containing all the input payload files (eg.

curl -X 'POST' 'http://<CLUSTER IP>:8000 OR <HOST IP>:32000/upload/' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
    -F 'file=@<PATH TO INPUT PAYLOAD ZIP>;type=application/x-zip-compressed' \

Output segmentation file is in the output foloder.

Open the segmented file in a viewer like 3DSlicer

It is possible to call the inference service from the FastAPI UI

This post shows how to build and deploy a torch script model using MONAI MAP and MIS. This process can be used to build and deploy other models as well.